Sunday, December 9, 2012

Globalization thoughts...the world is changing

Yesterday, my mom and I went for a walk and we were talking about we feel a sense of unrest and turnover in our lives, and how our friends have expressed similar feelings. I recently read that while the Mayan calendar ends on December 21st, this does not mean that the world is going to end, but that a certain era is coming to an end and a new one is beginning. I could not agree more because I think our society is advancing and changing rapidly, and perhaps this is the appropriate time to rebirth an entirely new segment of time and a new coming of age.

I feel that all of the developments in our society are powerful. We have instant access to information, news, and resources at the press of a button. People are gaining equality and many new laws have been passed, such as the legalizing of homosexual marriage in some states and marijuana in others.  Everything is evolving. Sometimes this rapid change can feel scary, but at the same time, we can use the opportunity for change embrace improvement rather than curl up in fear about scarcity of jobs and increased competition, or how we might lose control over our lives with all of the latest advancements. We can choose to move forward.

I was also thinking about how globalization can affect education. For example, all of us could not take Sociology 200 online if it was not for the development of technology and distance learning! We would not have had the opportunity to learn this information, earn college credits and meet requirements for degree programs, interact with one another, or engage in an online classroom. Therefore, there are developments that are definitely a positive.

Just wanted to share some final thoughts as the semester comes to a close.
Best wishes to all of you!!!


  1. Talia,

    It was great reading your blog this semester, and what you said about this course and taking it online shows how we have really come full circle. Without advancements in technology, we could not have taken this course online, and had so much access to each others ideas and perspectives. Had we gone to a normal lecture class, we probably would have missed out on hearing many of each others opinions. The internet allows us to share our thoughts openly about many different topics, which I think was very helpful with this course. Have a great winter break!

  2. Thank you, Amy! I enjoyed reading your blog as well.

    I agree--I can't say that I would have shared all of these opinions in an in-person lecture class, and I think sometimes people are willing to be more open when they can be somewhat anonymous on the computer.

    Enjoy your break too and good luck with everything!
